in Quid Pro Quo

uninitialized constant SwitchTower (Capistrano?)

I did setup this blog (using the most excellent typo if you need to ask). The next step was to setup switchtower, and you guessed it, it almost worked. Here’s why.

Followed the directions to get it going and was ready to type my first command:

rake –trace remote_exec ACTION=setup

yeah, that would be too easy if it worked, wouldn’t it. Instead of the expected output, I get the very impolite:

** Invoke remote_exec (first_time)
** Execute remote_exec
rake aborted!
uninitialized constant SwitchTower
dependencies.rb:200:in `const_missing’

I mean, I did not mean to be rude, so why is it doing this?

Sorry I can’t give credit to where credit is due (shame on me for not putting the info down at the time. Now that this is site is up and running, I can capture the next problem blow by blow as it happens). If you know who should get the credit, drop me a note. Anyway, here’s the solution.

in lib/taks/switchtower.rake replace

      require 'rubygems'
    rescue LoadError
      # no rubygems to load, so we fail silently

    options = actions.last.is_a?(Hash) ? actions.pop : {}

      require 'rubygems'
    rescue LoadError
      # no rubygems to load, so we fail silently

    require 'switchtower/cli'

    options = actions.last.is_a?(Hash) ? actions.pop : {}

Incidentally, I did setup typo directly from svn to get the tagging extension builtin. And to use SwitchTower, I then commited this into my own subversion repository. This might get interesting the day I want to upgrade. We’ll keep this story for an other day.