If you have a Mac, or want one, then you should surely take a look at the $49 bundle MacHeist has put together. An amazing value, with lots of cool apps. Plus 25% of your purchase goes to charities.
It’s like getting 1password, CoverSutra (truly cool), and Snapz Pro for half the price, and getting all other 11 Mac Applications for free. Check it out (via Obie Fernandez)
Update: I had the link wrong (using https), and you could not see the apps. Fixed. Also forgot to mention you also get CSSEdit. And possibly VectorDesigner if they reach the $300,000 donation level.
Hi Pascal,
which of those apps do you use personally ?
Most of these, I just got, so I’m not sure yet. But I totally dig coversutra, which is way better/nicer/polished that the growltunes+quicksilver notifier I was using. A really neat app with just the right stuff, and no more.
Snapz, I’ve been meaning to buy for the longer time, so that one was a no brainer.
1password looks really nice, and should be even more useful to me once they have their online service so I can get one place for passwords (just importing passwords from Safari and Firefox from one machine got me over 350 passwords…
CSSEdit, I’ve been wanting to try for a while and looks like one more tool in the arsenal.
And I’m curious to find out whether Pixelmator is good enough for light image/icon editing.
And there’s the just added VectorDesigner that looks also interesting (although no svg).
The rest, I’m not too interested, at least a priori. But looks useful to have, well except for the games :)
so all told, an amazing value even if you use only a couple of them, and I bet you’ll use more as time goes, some probably every day.
Looks like it is selling like hotcakes. They sold several thousands more today.
Go for it!