I realize this is somewhat off topic here, but it wasn’t obvious to me, and it took quite a few google searches to come up a hints, so I thought someone might benefit from this.
I had what I thought was a pretty simple problem. I have a site that is currenlty protected by a password. You know, something like:
AuthType Basic
AuthName “Allow Specific Users”
AuthLDAPURL ldap://localhost:389/dc=domain,dc=com?uid?sub?(objectClass=*)
require valid-user
to protect the whole site. Now, I also needed a subdirectory to be accessible without a password.
That’s easy, I thought, I probably just need to create a
But in fact the solution is very simple:
just create a .htaccess file and include:
Allow from all
Satisfy Any
And that’s it! Turns out Satisfy Any will let people in if either the require or the Allow matches.