do you know your web 2.0?

I almost fell out out my chair when I read my score, and what it meant after taking the web 2.0 test courtesy of Chris Carfi. I got 27 out of you guess it, 43 things (full pun intended ;) ). This meant that I have been drinking “Too…much…kool-aid…” lately. Hmmmm… What’s your score?

The best one, though, for those lucky few that guessed the 43 right …

Thank you Paul of CharterStreet for the link.

in News | 72 Words

Web 2.0 getting overdone?

Oh boy! And I thought I was on top of that web 2.0 thingy. Then I just found out about the list Bob Stumpel put together, courtesy of Christian Mayaud.

Looks like I’ve got some catching up to do to stay on top of it.

It may seem that everything under the sun if being worked on by 10 or more companies in each category, but there are still a few niches that haven’t caught up to the craze yet. Just requires a bit more creativity, and maybe the niches are smaller, or people are just taking their sweet time.

I happen to be working on some of these ideas, but I’m not ready to talk about it just yet.

in News | 121 Words